FortiGateのサポート体制充実、初心者でも手軽に導入可能! UTM(統合脅威管理)高速アンチウイルス・ファイアウォール・ゲートウェイ・アプライアンス





ポート番号 tcp/udp サービス 説明
1500 tcp/udp vlsi-lm VLSI License Manager
1501 tcp/udp saiscm Satellite-data Acquisition System 3
1502 tcp/udp shivadiscovery Shiva
1503 tcp/udp imtc-mcs Databeam
1504 tcp/udp evb-elm EVB Software Engineering License Manager
1505 tcp/udp funkproxy Funk Software, Inc.
1506 tcp/udp utcd Universal Time daemon (utcd)
1507 tcp/udp symplex symplex
1508 tcp/udp diagmond diagmond
1509 tcp/udp robcad-lm Robcad, Ltd. License Manager
1510 tcp/udp mvx-lm Midland Valley Exploration Ltd. Lic. Man.
1511 tcp/udp 3l-l1 3l-l1
1512 tcp/udp wins Microsoft’s Windows Internet Name Service
1513 tcp/udp fujitsu-dtc Fujitsu Systems Business of America, Inc
1514 tcp/udp fujitsu-dtcns Fujitsu Systems Business of America, Inc
1515 tcp/udp ifor-protocol ifor-protocol
1516 tcp/udp vpad Virtual Places Audio data
1517 tcp/udp vpac Virtual Places Audio control
1518 tcp/udp vpvd Virtual Places Video data
1519 tcp/udp vpvc Virtual Places Video control
1520 tcp/udp atm-zip-office atm zip office
1521 tcp/udp ncube-lm nCube License Manager
1522 tcp/udp ricardo-lm Ricardo North America License Manager
1523 tcp/udp cichild-lm cichild
1524 tcp/udp ingreslock ingres
1525 udp orasrv oracle
1525 tcp/udp prospero-np Prospero Directory Service non-priv
1526 tcp/udp pdap-np Prospero Data Access Prot non-priv
1527 tcp/udp tlisrv oracle
1528 tcp/udp mciautoreg micautoreg
1529 tcp/udp coauthor oracle
1530 tcp/udp rap-service rap-service
1531 tcp/udp rap-listen rap-listen
1532 tcp/udp miroconnect miroconnect
1533 tcp/udp virtual-places Virtual Places Software
1534 tcp/udp micromuse-lm micromuse-lm
1535 tcp/udp ampr-info ampr-info
1536 tcp/udp ampr-inter ampr-inter
1537 tcp/udp sdsc-lm isi-lm
1538 tcp/udp 3ds-lm 3ds-lm
1539 tcp/udp intellistor-lm Intellistor License Manager
1540 tcp/udp rds rds
1541 tcp/udp rds2 rds2
1542 tcp/udp gridgen-elmd gridgen-elmd
1543 tcp/udp simba-cs simba-cs
1544 tcp/udp aspeclmd aspeclmd
1545 tcp/udp vistium-share vistium-share
1546 tcp/udp abbaccuray abbaccuray
1547 tcp/udp laplink laplink
1548 tcp/udp axon-lm Axon License Manager
1549 tcp shivahose Shiva Hose
1549 udp shivasound Shiva Sound
1550 tcp/udp 3m-image-lm Image Storage license manager 3M Company
1551 tcp/udp hecmtl-db HECMTL-DB
1552 tcp/udp pciarray pciarray
1553 tcp/udp sna-cs sna-cs
1554 tcp/udp caci-lm CACI Products Company License Manager
1555 tcp/udp livelan livelan
1556 tcp/udp ashwin AshWin CI Tecnologies
1557 tcp/udp arbortext-lm ArborText License Manager
1558 tcp/udp xingmpeg xingmpeg
1559 tcp/udp web2host web2host
1560 tcp/udp asci-val asci-val
1561 tcp/udp facilityview facilityview
1562 tcp/udp pconnectmgr pconnectmgr
1563 tcp/udp cadabra-lm Cadabra License Manager
1564 tcp/udp pay-per-view Pay-Per-View
1565 tcp/udp winddlb WinDD
1566 tcp/udp corelvideo CORELVIDEO
1567 tcp/udp jlicelmd jlicelmd
1568 tcp/udp tsspmap tsspmap
1569 tcp/udp ets ets
1570 tcp/udp orbixd orbixd
1571 tcp/udp rdb-dbs-disp Oracle Remote Data Base
1572 tcp/udp chip-lm Chipcom License Manager
1573 tcp/udp itscomm-ns itscomm-ns
1574 tcp/udp mvel-lm mvel-lm
1575 tcp/udp oraclenames oraclenames
1576 tcp/udp moldflow-lm moldflow-lm
1577 tcp/udp hypercube-lm hypercube-lm
1578 tcp/udp jacobus-lm Jacobus License Manager
1579 tcp/udp ioc-sea-lm ioc-sea-lm
1580 tcp tn-tl-r1 tn-tl-r1
1580 udp tn-tl-r2 tn-tl-r2
1581 tcp/udp mil-2045-47001 MIL-2045-47001
1582 tcp/udp msims MSIMS
1583 tcp/udp simbaexpress simbaexpress
1584 tcp/udp tn-tl-fd2 tn-tl-fd2
1585 tcp/udp intv intv
1586 tcp/udp ibm-abtact ibm-abtact
1587 tcp/udp pra_elmd pra_elmd
1588 tcp/udp triquest-lm triquest-lm
1589 tcp/udp vqp VQP
1590 tcp/udp gemini-lm gemini-lm
1591 tcp/udp ncpm-pm ncpm-pm
1592 tcp/udp commonspace commonspace
1593 tcp/udp mainsoft-lm mainsoft-lm
1594 tcp/udp sixtrak sixtrak
1595 tcp/udp radio radio
1596 tcp radio-sm radio-sm
1596 udp radio-bc radio-bc
1597 tcp/udp orbplus-iiop orbplus-iiop
1598 tcp/udp picknfs picknfs
1599 tcp/udp simbaservices simbaservices
1600 tcp/udp issd
1601 tcp/udp aas aas
1602 tcp/udp inspect inspect
1603 tcp/udp picodbc pickodbc
1604 tcp/udp icabrowser icabrowser
1605 tcp/udp slp Salutation Manager (Salutation Protocol)
1606 tcp/udp slm-api Salutation Manager (SLM-API)
1607 tcp/udp stt stt
1608 tcp/udp smart-lm Smart Corp. License Manager
1609 tcp/udp isysg-lm isysg-lm
1610 tcp/udp taurus-wh taurus-wh
1611 tcp/udp ill Inter Library Loan
1612 tcp/udp netbill-trans NetBill Transaction Server
1613 tcp/udp netbill-keyrep NetBill Key Repository
1614 tcp/udp netbill-cred NetBill Credential Server
1615 tcp/udp netbill-auth NetBill Authorization Server
1616 tcp/udp netbill-prod NetBill Product Server
1617 tcp/udp nimrod-agent Nimrod Inter-Agent Communication
1618 tcp/udp skytelnet skytelnet
1619 tcp/udp xs-openstorage xs-openstorage
1620 tcp/udp faxportwinport faxportwinport
1621 tcp/udp softdataphone softdataphone
1622 tcp/udp ontime ontime
1623 tcp/udp jaleosnd jaleosnd
1624 tcp/udp udp-sr-port udp-sr-port
1625 tcp/udp svs-omagent svs-omagent
1626-1629 tcp/udp # Unassigned
1630 tcp/udp oraclenet8cman Oracle Net8 Cman
1631-1635 tcp/udp # Unassigned
1636 tcp/udp cncp CableNet Control Protocol
1637 tcp/udp cnap CableNet Admin Protocol
1638 tcp/udp cnip CableNet Info Protocol
1639 tcp/udp cert-initiator cert-initiator
1640 tcp/udp cert-responder cert-responder
1641 tcp/udp invision InVision
1642 tcp/udp isis-am isis-am
1643 tcp/udp isis-ambc isis-ambc
1644 tcp saiseh Satellite-data Acquisition System 4
1645 tcp/udp datametrics datametrics
1646 tcp/udp sa-msg-port sa-msg-port
1647 tcp/udp rsap rsap
1648 tcp/udp concurrent-lm concurrent-lm
1649 tcp/udp inspect inspect
1650 tcp/udp nkd nkd
1651 tcp/udp shiva_confsrvr shiva_confsrvr
1652 tcp/udp xnmp xnmp
1653 tcp/udp alphatech-lm alphatech-lm
1654 tcp/udp stargatealerts stargatealerts
1655 tcp/udp dec-mbadmin dec-mbadmin
1656 tcp/udp dec-mbadmin-h dec-mbadmin-h
1657 tcp/udp fujitsu-mmpdc fujitsu-mmpdc
1658 tcp/udp sixnetudr sixnetudr
1659 tcp/udp sg-lm Silicon Grail License Manager
1660 tcp/udp skip-mc-gikreq skip-mc-gikreq
1661 tcp/udp netview-aix-1 netview-aix-1
1662 tcp/udp netview-aix-2 netview-aix-2
1663 tcp/udp netview-aix-3 netview-aix-3
1664 tcp/udp netview-aix-4 netview-aix-4
1665 tcp/udp netview-aix-5 netview-aix-5
1666 tcp/udp netview-aix-6 netview-aix-6
1667 tcp/udp netview-aix-7 netview-aix-7
1668 tcp/udp netview-aix-8 netview-aix-8
1669 tcp/udp netview-aix-9 netview-aix-9
1670 tcp/udp netview-aix-10 netview-aix-10
1671 tcp/udp netview-aix-11 netview-aix-11
1672 tcp/udp netview-aix-12 netview-aix-12
1673 tcp/udp proshare-mc-1 Intel Proshare Multicast
1674 tcp/udp proshare-mc-2 Intel Proshare Multicast
1675 tcp/udp pdp Pacific Data Products
1676 tcp netcomm1 netcomm1
1676 udp netcomm2 netcomm2
1677 tcp/udp groupwise groupwise
1678 tcp/udp prolink prolink
1679 tcp/udp darcorp-lm darcorp-lm
1680 tcp/udp microcom-sbp microcom-sbp
1681 tcp/udp sd-elmd sd-elmd
1682 tcp/udp lanyon-lantern lanyon-lantern
1683 tcp/udp ncpm-hip ncpm-hip
1684 tcp/udp snaresecure SnareSecure
1685 tcp/udp n2nremote n2nremote
1686 tcp/udp cvmon cvmon
1687 tcp/udp nsjtp-ctrl nsjtp-ctrl
1688 tcp/udp nsjtp-data nsjtp-data
1689 tcp/udp firefox firefox
1690 tcp/udp ng-umds ng-umds
1691 tcp/udp empire-empuma empire-empuma
1692 tcp/udp sstsys-lm sstsys-lm
1693 tcp/udp rrirtr rrirtr
1694 tcp/udp rrimwm rrimwm
1695 tcp/udp rrilwm rrilwm
1696 tcp/udp rrifmm rrifmm
1697 tcp/udp rrisat rrisat
1698 tcp/udp rsvp-encap-1 RSVP-ENCAPSULATION-1
1699 tcp/udp rsvp-encap-2 RSVP-ENCAPSULATION-2

ご要望に沿った製品提案をします。まずはご相談ください。 TEL 0120-877-071 平日 9:00-12:00 / 13:00-17:00












【北海道・東北】北海道 / 青森 / 岩手 / 宮城 / 秋田 / 山形 / 福島

【関東】東京 / 神奈川 / 埼玉 / 千葉 / 茨城 / 栃木 / 群馬

【東海】岐阜 / 静岡 / 愛知 / 三重

【四国】徳島 / 香川 / 愛媛 / 高知

【近畿圏】大阪 / 兵庫 / 奈良 / 京都 / 滋賀 / 和歌山

【北陸・甲信越】富山 / 石川 / 福井 / 新潟 / 長野 / 山梨

【中国】鳥取 / 島根 / 岡山 / 広島 / 山口

【九州・沖縄】福岡 / 佐賀 / 長崎 / 熊本 / 大分 / 宮崎 / 鹿児島 / 沖縄



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